Now you can easily list Geokrets in your inventory - those geokrets, which you grabbed from the cache and not dropped OR those which you registered and not dropped.
This list is avaliable from "MyPage".
New cool feature: if you performed an operation on GeoKret using its secret Tracking Code (eg you logged picking it), then you don't need to remember this code any more.
You can perform subsequent operations (eg hidding it) just by clicking "Operations on this GeoKret" on the GeoKret's page, without entering the code.
Isn't that cool? ;)
In your profile (MyPage) you can declare the preferred language. It will work with email notification (I hope) and probably with other tools in the future. So if you would like to change the default language (which is EN) to another, update your profile.
Hi. The MyPage was redesigned and information (like my geokrets, observed geokrets etc) was separated. Added "Recent Moves of my geokrets".
Some minor improvments.
Hi, first of all: Happy New Year! ;)
During last 8 days we had problems with sending mails, wchich is now fixed, and one collective email will be sent. Sorry for inconvenience!
There is a new RSS source, generated dynamically, so you can be really up to date with your geokrets.
The url is:
and then your userid. For me (my userid is 1) the link is: