Open source item tracking for all geocaching platforms


5 years ago 1 Comments (GK Team)
news image en If you use and have found it helpful, please consider donating. The suggested contribution is 3€ but any amount is appreciated. Donation is not required as is and will stay free & open-source. Thank you for your support.
fr Si vous utilisez et que vous trouvez le site utile, alors envisagez de faire un don. La contribution suggérée est de 3 € mais tout autre montant sera apprécié. Le don n'est pas obligatoire car est, et restera toujours gratuit & open-source. Merci pour votre soutien.
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5 years ago

I donated as I find this site and this initiative very useful and joyful. Just go on developping the Geokrety idea.<br /> Best regards<br /> Udo