Open source item tracking for all geocaching platforms

c:geo - Geocaching for Android with GK support

8 years ago 3 Comments (filips)
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en c:geo is an open source, full-featured, always ready-to-go client for (unofficial) and offers basic support for other geocaching platforms (like Opencaching). It does not require a web browser or exports – just download and start right away. And - the best is - it supports Geokrety logging! For more details visit their web page:

Tomorow (10th February) GK will be down

8 years ago 1 Comments (GK Team)
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en Tomorow, 10th February from 8 to 17 CET, geokrety server will be down due to power outages in our server room. Sorry for inconvienience.
pl Jutro (10 lutego), w godz. 8 - 17 serwer geokretów będzie niedostępny z powodu prac elektrycznych w serwerowni. Za utrudnienia przepraszamy.

New GK map available

9 years ago 3 Comments (filips)
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en Mathieu, a c:geo contributor (simple yet powerful unofficial geocaching client for Android devices) prepared a site with map of all geokrety: BTW: support for GK in c:geo is comming!

New SSL certificates

9 years ago 1 Comments (filips)
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en We have a new SSL certificates installed on our server, so if you want to use encrypted connection, accetp them permanently in your browser. pl Od dziś mamy nowe certyfikaty SSL na naszym serwerze. Jeśli chcesz używać bezpiecznego (bezpieczniejszego) połączenia to dodaj je na stałe ("potwierdź wyjątek bezpieczeństwa").

2013 top loggers

9 years ago 0 Comments (filips)
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2013 top GK "droppers" was honoured with (I hope) pretty badges, visible on their profiles. The winner is piotr-56 with 5218 logs. The full list of all Top 100 users is avaliable here. Congratulations!

GK android app

9 years ago 2 Comments (filips)
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en Here is a new app for android devices (prepared by dzwiedziu) to easily log geokrety. I haven't tested it yet, but please look at it - your feedback to the author is welcome! Download at sourceforge.
EDIT: App is now avaliable also at google play.
EDIT2: App is now avaliable also at F-droid (Free and Open Source (FOSS) software for the Android).

Merry Christmas from the GK team!

9 years ago 0 Comments (GK Team)
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Merry Christmas from the GK team! * Wesołych Świąt od zespołu GK! * Frohe Weihnachten aus dem GK-Team! * يد ميلاد سعيد منالمنتخب حارس مرمى! * З Калядамі Хрыстовым ад каманды ГК! * Veselé Vánoce z týmu GK! * Veselé Vianoce z tímu GK! * Häid jõule alates GK meeskond! * Joyeux Noël de l'équipe de GK! * Hyvää joulua GK joukkue! * Καλά Χριστούγεννα από την ομάδα GK! * Boldog karácsonyt a GK csapat! * Buon Natale dal team di GK! * С Рождеством Христовым от команды ГК! * God Jul från GK-teamet! * Feliz Navidad desde el equipo de GK!

Map problems / problemy z mapkami

10 years ago 0 Comments (filips)
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en During next week or two some problems with displaying maps may occur.
pl W najbliższym tygodniu-dwóch można się spodziewać problemów z wyświetlaniem mapek w naszym serwisie.

Happy Birthday!

10 years ago 7 Comments (GK Team)
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en Happy 6th Birthday, Geokrety!
pl Wszystkiego dobrego z okazji szóstych urodzin!
de Glücklicher 6. Geburtstag!
cz Šťastné šesté narozeniny
sk Šťastné šiestej narodeniny!
ru Счастливые 6-й день рождения, Geokrety!

Yep, holidays...

10 years ago 0 Comments (filips)
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en Yes, holidays. But we are online again... :)pl Morza szum, ptaków śpiew.... ale jesteśmy znów online. Miłego!