Open source item tracking for all geocaching platforms
Dies ist der erste fünstellige GeoKret GK10000! Dieser historische GeoKret wurde mir von kumy, der bei der Entwicklung von GeoKrety hilft, geschenkt. Er reist nun mit meinem Geocaching-Avatar, dem tschechischen Maulwurf Krtek.
This is the first five digit GeoKret GK10000! This historix GeoKret was given to me from kumy, who helps developing GoeKrety. He is not travelling with my Geocaching avatar, the chech mole Krtek.
Original description by kumy:
This is the first GeoKret having 5 digits.
Let's celebrate the future!
Why not print and sell really nice "officials" KretyCoins and use the benefits to finance a new hosting server :) ?
You are a designer and want to propose your coin design? Join us on GitHub: [Link]
You are interested in supporting and want to buy a KretyCoin? Send me a private message [Link] to add you on the pre-order list.
Caption: = start = trip points = recently seen
Auf dem 10. OC-HQ Event gesehen und in ein nettes Gespräch verwickelt ;-)