Open source item tracking for all geocaching platforms
[ENG] Mario is a short, pudgy, Italian-American plumber who lives in the Mushroom Kingdom. You've discovered him doing a Grand Mushroom Soup, take a sip and then move him on to next cache.
Thanks for taking care of our GeoKret :)
[EST] Mario on lühike, pontsakas, itaalia/ameerika päritolu torumees, kes elab Seene Kuningriigis. Sa avastasid ta Suurejoonelist Seenesuppi tegemes. Maitse veidi ning siis aita ta edasi järgmisesse aardesse.
Aitäh, et meie GeoKreti eest hoolitsete :)
Caption: = start = trip points = recently seen
Grabbed it and will find a good resting place.